About Friends of LCS
The Friends of LCS arose from recognition by parents and community members that school faculty and administrators are full of desire and ideas to improve our children's academic experience and provide enrichment opportunities above and beyond those typically available at small community schools.
We believe that many people in the community would welcome the chance to support the school and these initiatives if only they had more information and an easy way to do so.
Hence the creation of the Friends of LCS, a non-profit entity that aims to increase awareness of the educational goals of the school and to raise money for activities and investments that would otherwise not be possible.
There are currently five community members serving as the Board of Directors for this effort. The way the Friends of LCS works is that priority needs are first identified by school faculty, vetted through the school principal, and presented in the form of proposals to the Friends of LCS.
The Board then reviews the requests, validates they meet the requirements for academic enrichment, and analyzes the reasonableness of the amount requested and the cost/benefit of each request in comparison to others
When you make a donation it is important to know that:
One hundred percent of all donations to the Friends of LCS go directly to support school initiatives; there are no administrative costs.
Friends of LCS is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. EIN# 27-2277523
Please consider making a donation today, and don't hesitate to contact a Board Member if you have any questions. Thank You!